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OAM has provided for a procedure of public consultation of the acts drawn up by the Body, with the aim of acquiring evaluations, observations and suggestions from interested parties. To this end, the OAM has activated a special mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to which users who are interested may send their comments and/or observations within the deadline provided from time to time.





Public consultation n. 12 on the Communication on the functioning of online platforms offering services for the quotation and/or comparison of financing options.


> Document under consultation





Public consultation n. 11 containing the guidelines relating to the monetary sanctions provided for by Legislative Decree n. 90 (so-called Anti-Money Laundering Decree) which the Body may impose and the proceeds of which will flow to the State budget.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

> Comments received

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 10 Text containing some amendments to the Supplementary Regulations concerning the sanctioning procedure for violations ascertained by the Body in the exercise of its control duties and the cancellation procedure pursuant to art. 128-duodecies, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


Outcome of the public consultation Circular n.12/13 containing provisions relating to training and professional updating obligations for financial agents providing exclusively payment services.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

> Comments received

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation Circular n. 10/13 containing provisions regarding the continuation of the activity of financial agency and credit mediation by subjects without a five-year high school diploma.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

> Comments received

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 9 Circular no. 23/15 containing provisions relating to the procedures for verifying the fulfilment of the conditions of art. 128-quinquies, paragraph 1-bis and 128-septies, paragraph 1-ter, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993, pursuant to art. 16, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 141 of August 13, 2010.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

> Comments received

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 8 Circular no. 19/14 containing provisions relating to training and refresher courses for financial agents and credit brokers.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

> Comments received

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 7 Circular containing application provisions pursuant to art. 128-quater, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of 1 September 1993.
The provisions relating to the Circular subject to public consultation no. 7 were incorporated into Circular no. 18/14 - "containing implementing provisions pursuant to art. 128-quater, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993 and art. 20, paragraph 1-bis, of Legislative Decree no. 141 of August 13, 2010".

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 6 Circular no. 18/14 containing provisions relating to the payment of contributions and other amounts due by agents pursuant to art. 128-quater, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993.
Circular no. 18/14, merged with the Circular regarding the application provisions pursuant to art. 128-quater, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993, was merged into Circular no. 18/14 - "containing application provisions pursuant to art. 128-quater, paragraph 7, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993 and art. 20, paragraph 1-bis, of Legislative Decree no. 141 of August 13, 2010".

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 5 Circular no. 22/15 containing provisions relating to the Valuation Test pursuant to art. 128-novies, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 4 Supplementary regulations concerning the sanctioning procedure for violations ascertained by the Body in the exercise of its supervisory duties and the cancellation procedure pursuant to art. 128-duodecies, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of September 1, 1993.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 3 Supplementary regulation containing provisions for the exercise of the right of access to administrative documents formed or held by the Body in the exercise of its duties of management of the Lists and control over the members of the Lists.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


Outcome of public consultation no. 1 Supplementary regulations containing provisions relating to the procedures and deadlines for handling complaints from third parties.

> Outcome of the consultation

> Document under consultation

Consultation closed


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