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The Supplementary Regulations for the exercise of the right of access to the documents produced or held by the Body in the exercise of its duties of management of the Lists and control over the members in the Lists govern the criteria and methods of exercise and the cases of deferment and exclusion of the right of access to the documents produced or held by the Body in the exercise of its duties of management of the Lists and control over the members in the Lists.


Access shall be granted to interested parties for the purpose of viewing such documents or extracting copies, subject to payment of a sum established in accordance with the rules contained in the


The request for access can be presented by all private subjects, including those with public or widespread interests, who have a direct, concrete and current interest, corresponding to a legally protected situation and connected to the document to which access is requested.


The OAM provides users with the following forms to be downloaded and filled in in every part.



The request may be submitted in person, by mail, by fax or electronically to the certified mailbox This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


WARNING: Send ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY requests related to the access to the acts to the indicated PEC address. Other requests or documents sent will NOT be taken into consideration.

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