On October 27, 2017, the OAM together with ABI, AMA, ASSIFACT, ASSILEA, ASSOFIN, ASSOMEA, ASSOPROFESSIONAL, FIAIP, F.I.M.A.A., signed a Memorandum of Understanding to make it easier for off-line brokers to communicate the cost of their fee, borne by the customer, to the lender, to allow him to include it in the APR/TEG. The objective is to facilitate the path of the entire supply chain in the fulfilment of legal obligations, thus allowing the consumer to know immediately the total cost of the financing once in contact with the financier.
Financiers wishing to join the initiative can identify the methods and timing chosen to receive information on compensation from off-line mediators, defining, on their websites, one or more pages dedicated to the publication of the same and filling in the format downloadable below:
> Download the FORMAT to fill in
> Consult OAM communication no. 17/17
> Consult OAM communication no. 9/16
Once this format has been filled in, which constitutes the Protocol adhesion form, the lender sends it by certified electronic mail (PEC) to the appropriate mailbox
The list of participating financiers is published below and will be progressively updated, as well as the link to the pages of their websites containing the communication methods and timescales chosen by each of them to receive the amount of the mediation fee from the off-line mediators.
The off-line credit mediator is required to comply with the methods and timescales for communicating the fee published by the lenders taking part in the initiative on their own specifically dedicated web pages.
It should be remembered that, in the hypothesis that the financier does not adhere to the initiative, the obligation - provided for by the primary and secondary regulations on transparency - of the off-line credit mediator to communicate the amount of the fee in good time obviously remains. In addition, the communication is made in such a way as to ensure the certainty of transmission and to prove the knowledge of the content by the broker/financier (e.g. registered letter by hand, certified e-mail - PEC) and must be sent to the office, counter, agency or branch with which the credit broker comes into contact (cf. Communication OAM n. 9/16).
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