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As of today, the List for European intermediaries operating in real estate credit to consumers who carry out activities in Italy, even without having a branch, is operational on the institutional website of the OAM.

Coinciding with the entry into force of European Law 2019-2020, which introduces the European Passport, the Body has made available a special List that will be progressively 'populated' once the Authority of the Member State of origin communicates the subjects qualified to operate in the country of origin and interested in the Italian market.

OAM will have one month to proceed with the registration. Regarding on the other hand credit intermediation activities other than real estate credit to consumers, OAM will inform subjects across borders of the conditions for performing their working activity in Italy.

Italian intermediaries who carry out, or wish to carry out, activities in the field of real estate credit to consumers in other countries, will have to communicate this to the OAM, which will inform the relevant authority of the other Member State within one month. As of today, those registered may make use of a form available in the reserved area through which one may indicate the countries in which they intend to operate.

Rome, 1 February 2022

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