On March 24, 2022, the OAM Conference on the European Passport and on the New Frontiers for credit intermediaries was held.
The conference, organized by the OAM in memory of Antonio Catricalà, set itself the goal of analyzing the possible effects of the introduction of the 'European passport' for credit intermediaries operating in the real estate credit sector for consumers, within a few months from the transposition of European legislation in Italy, and represented an opportunity to investigate the structures and regulations of individual national markets with the representatives of some of the OAM's homologous institutions.
The experts in the sector who met during the round table have the task of addressing the issues of Italian regulation, the evolution of the distribution networks of credit products, any obstacles to the creation of a competitive structure both on the national and European markets.
The appointment was broadcast on the OAM YouTube channel (click here to review the entire conference).
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