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Financial agents may avail themselves of employees and collaborators for the exercise of the relative activity in relation to the public (art. 128-novies, of the TUB).
These collaborators and employees are only natural persons and cannot carry out their activity at the same time in favour of more than one registered subject (see art. 128-octies, paragraph 2, of the TUB).
Agents send the OAM a list of their employees and collaborators.

Agents in financial activity, whether natural persons or partnerships, may use employees or collaborators for contact with the public who are also registered in the list of Agents in financial activity kept by the OAM.

These subjects must possess the requirements of integrity and professionalism indicated in art. 128-quinquies, paragraph 1, letter c).



  • a qualification of no less than upper secondary education, issued following a five-year or four-year course, supplemented by the annual course provided for by law, or a foreign qualification deemed equivalent for all legal purposes;
  • attendance of a professional training course on the relevant subjects in the exercise of financial agency activities.


Employees and collaborators of financial agents operating as joint-stock companies do not have to pass the examination required for enrolment in the List of financial agents. However, they are required to pass an assessment test, the contents of which are set out in OAM Circular no. 5/12.

Financial agents are jointly and severally liable for damages caused in the exercise of their activity by the employees and collaborators they use, also in relation to criminally sanctioned conduct.


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